Pacific Ocean Currents
Pacific Ocean data
Each link below will take you to a document that lists the current records
from one experiment. There, you will have an opportunity to download the
records and view metadata. Note that the experiments are ordered roughly
by time, with the earliest experiments at the top of the list. Click here to
move up one level to the previous page.
DOMES (eastern Pacific), 1977
Low Level Waste Ocean Dumping Program West (NE Pacific), 1979 - 1984
MANOP (NE Pacific), 1979 - 1985
WESTPAC (NW Pacific), 1980 - 1982
EPOCS (equatorial Pacific), 1980 - 2001
North Pacific Boundary Current, 1981 - 1982
PEQUOD (equatorial Pacific), 1981 - 1983
Peru Currents Study (Peru shelf & slope), 1981 - 1985
Emperor Seamounts (north central Pacific), 1982 - 1983
ACE (East Australia shelf and slope), 1983 - 1984, 1989
Tropic Heat (equatorial Pacific), 1983 - 1985
OPTOMA (California Current), 1984 - 1985
Vents (NE Pacific), 1984 - 2001
GARS (Gulf of Alaska), 1986 - 1988
STORMS (NE Pacific), 1987 - 1988
LHR89 (Lord Howe Rise, SW Pacific), 1989 - 1990
OSU/MBARI Project (Monterey Canyon), 1989 - 1991
Abrupt Topography (NE Pacific), 1990 - 1991
Karin Ridge Experiment (central Pacific), 1990 - 1991
World Ocean Circulation Experiment, 1990 - 1998
EBC (Northern California Slope), 1992 - 1994
Monterey Canyon Project, 1993 - 1995
Tropical Ocean Climate Studies (Indian, Pacific Oceans) 1995 - 2012
Sea of Okhotsk (NW Pacific), 1998 - 2000
FOCI (Gulf of Alaska), 1994 - 2002
Stratus (eastern Pacific), 2000 - 2010
MOOS (MBARI Ocean Observing Systems), 1999 - 2010
WHOTS (Woods Hole - Hawaii Ocean Time Series), 2004 - 2015
JKEO (Kuroshio Extension), 2007 - 2013
Ocean Station PAPA, 2007 - 2022
Kuroshio Extension Observatory, 2005 - 2023
EAST-1 (Sea of Japan) 2011 - 2012
Miscellaneous Pacific Ocean current records, 1983 - 1987
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