MOOS stands for MBARI Ocean Observing Systems. We note that MOOS data also seems to have been part of a project named MUSE. MBARI tells us that "The MOOS Upper-Water-Column Science Experiment (MUSE) coordinated (within the framework of MOOS) a number of upper-water-column science projects, culminating in a large-scale, multi-institute, multi-disciplinary, field experiment in Monterey Bay in August, 2000."
The MOOS moorings that we have included here were set in deep water at the foot of Monterey Canyon. You can also find some current meter records obtained in the same area area a few years earlier by Oregon State University (here) and by the USGS (here).
Each of the links below will take you to current records from one ADCP at one mooring. In each case the ADCP was moored near the the surface pointing downward. In each case the deeper echo bins (those farther from the instrument) were too noisy to be useful and have not been included here.
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