OSU Buoy Group Shelf and Slope Moorings

This site contains current meter records, meteorological data, and temperature records made by the OSU Buoy Group over a span of more than 35 years. The data are mostly from short term moorings that lay along the Oregon and California coasts. We have also included JOINT 1, an experiment that took place over the northwest African shelf, JOINT 2 which was over the Peruvian shelf and slope, and records from an array of moorings in the Strait of Gibraltar. You can reach these data by clicking on the appropriate link below.

The links below will take you to an historical retrospective of the Buoy Group and a description of our data formats.

From here you can return to the Deep Water Archive, which contains the Buoy Group's long term deep water moorings plus several thousand current meter records and other types of ocean time series from other groups. Please send any comments or questions about this website or the data to the webmaster.