Current meter records from Southern JGOFS

Click here to download a zip archive that contains the current meter records, or here to move up one level. To see metadata and statistics click on the links in the rightmost column below.

Although all of the VACMs recorded pressure as well as u, v, and temperature, the pressure values were not reliable and we have not included them here. The intended depth for the VACMs was 70 meters. The SBE 37s were set 2 meters below the VACMs. We do not know how accurate the 70 and 72 meter nominal depths given here are. In general, however, this is an extremely clean dataset.

The VACM and SeaBird files listed below have time increments of 15 minutes and 3 minutes respectively. If you would rather use VACM and SeaBird files that are comparable in frequency content, click here to download a zip archive that contains hourly versions of the same files. We produced the hourly files by filtering the original time series with low-pass cosine-Lanczos filters that yield a passband that drops to 1/2 amplitude at 6 cycles/day and is essentially zero at 9 cycles/day.

latloninstr depth
water depth
instr typedatesview
2 -60.663 170.005 70 4012 OEI 9407 VACM 31 Oct 97 - 13 Mar 98 metadata
2 -60.663 170.005 72 4012 SBE 37-SM 31 Oct 97 - 13 Mar 98 metadata
3 -60.337 170.003 70 3989 OEI 9407 VACM 06 Nov 97 - 13 Mar 98 metadata
3 -60.337 170.003 72 3989 SBE 37-SM 06 Nov 97 - 13 Mar 98 metadata
4 -60.060 169.955 70 4321 OEI 9407 VACM 06 Nov 97 - 16 Mar 98 metadata
4 -60.060 169.955 72 4321 SBE 37-SM 06 Nov 97 - 16 Mar 98 metadata
5 -60.827 169.505 70 3816 OEI 9407 VACM 31 Oct 97 - 13 Mar 98 metadata
6 -60.525 169.462 70 3556 OEI 9407 VACM 04 Nov 97 - 30 Dec 97 metadata
7 -60.197 169.482 70 4508 OEI 9407 VACM 03 Nov 97 - 15 Mar 98 metadata
8 -60.470 168.942 70 3964 OEI 9407 VACM 02 Nov 97 - 15 Mar 98 metadata
8 -60.470 168.942 72 3964 SBE 37-SM 02 Nov 97 - 15 Mar 98 metadata
9 -60.847 170.518 70 3490 OEI 9407 VACM 30 Oct 97 - 14 Mar 98 metadata
10 -60.522 170.498 70 3569 OEI 9407 VACM 15 Nov 97 - 24 Dec 97 metadata
11 -60.262 170.447 70 3851 OEI 9407 VACM 14 Nov 97 - 13 Jan 98 metadata
12 -60.460 171.005 70 3654 OEI 9407 VACM 15 Nov 97 - 10 Dec 97 metadata
12 -60.460 171.005 72 3654 SBE 37-SM 15 Nov 97 - 14 Mar 98 metadata

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