Metadata from Accession 6240

Experiment name:        Southern JGOFS
Principal Investigator: J.G.Richman
Affiliation:            Oregon State Univ
Mooring name:           8
Mooring position:       60.470 deg S, 168.942 deg E
Instrument depth:       70   meters
Seafloor depth:         3964 meters
Times:                  0550 02 Nov 1997 to 1950 15 Mar 1998
Time increment:         15 minutes
Instrument type:        OEI 9407 VACM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.10    17.95    49.75    8.36    118.82
dir (deg true)       0.14    88.31   359.61   44.80    118.82
u (cm/sec)         -17.35    14.84    45.39    8.44    118.82
v (cm/sec)         -31.03     2.65    40.71    9.68    118.82
temp (deg C)        -0.58     2.31     4.08    1.22    133.59

Speed and direction end early at line 11407 (0120 01 Mar 1998).

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