Experiment name: SOGLOBEC Principal Investigator: C.Moffat/R.Beardsley Affiliation: WHOI Mooring name: C3 Mooring position: 68.100 deg S, 70.530 deg W Instrument depth: 762 meters Seafloor depth: 811 meters Times: 0100 22 Feb 2002 to 2100 21 Feb 2003 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: VACM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.01 3.43 12.66 2.04 364.88 dir (deg true) 0.02 190.42 359.97 140.46 364.88 u (cm/sec) -7.52 0.05 9.35 2.04 364.88 v (cm/sec) -5.71 2.29 11.48 2.56 364.88 temp (deg C) 1.27 1.32 1.37 0.01 364.88 Speed and direction contain two long gaps in lines 6926 through 7040 (1400 7 Dec 2002 - 0800 12 Dev 2002) and lines 7095 through 8142 (14 Dec 2002 - 0600 27 Jan 2003).
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