Experiment name: SOGLOBEC Principal Investigator: C.Moffat/R.Beardsley Affiliation: WHOI Mooring name: C2 Mooring position: 68.222 deg S, 70.029 deg W Instrument depth: 811 meters Seafloor depth: 859 meters Times: 1300 19 Feb 2002 to 0700 22 Feb 2003 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: SBE 37 parameter min mean max stddev days temp (deg C) 1.24 1.30 1.35 0.02 367.79 cond (mmho/cm) 30.24 30.30 30.34 0.01 367.79 Temperature and conductivity have a long linear interpolation during 11 June 2002 through 15 June 2002.
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