Metadata from Accession 8878

Experiment name:        SAZ Project
Principal Investigator: T.W.Trull
Affiliation:            U of Tasmania
Mooring name:           SAZ47-2
Mooring position:       46.759 deg S, 142.090 deg E
Instrument depth:       904  meters
Seafloor depth:         4320 meters
Times:                  0300 11 Mar 1998 to 0100 24 Aug 1998
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.50    10.04    23.29    4.23    165.96
dir (deg true)       1.91   264.95   359.06   33.65    165.96
u (cm/sec)         -22.31    -9.27    11.07    4.55    165.96
v (cm/sec)         -12.31    -0.23    11.60    3.49    165.96
temp (deg C)         4.48     5.25     5.78    0.22    165.96
pressure (db)     1043.80  1045.87  1059.70    3.19    165.96

u and v end early at line 2556 (1900 06 Jul 1998). Temperature
and pressure have a gap in lines 3185 through 3354 (0000 02 Aug 1998
through 0100 09 Aug 1998).

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