Metadata from Accession 10718

Experiment name:        WHOTS
Principal Investigator: A.Plueddemann/R.Weller/R.Lucas
Affiliation:            SOEST Hawaii
Mooring name:           WHOTS-12
Mooring position:       22.668 deg N, 157.949 deg W
Instrument depth:       4686 meters
Seafloor depth:         4722 meters
Times:                  1330 12 Jul 2015 to 1030 29 Jun 2016
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        SBE-37 MicroCat

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

temp (deg C)         1.50     1.51     1.53    0.00    352.90
pressure (db)     4795.76  4799.12  4800.54    0.81    352.90

This instrument measured conductivity but the sensor malfunctioned
and no useful values were obtained.

Move up one level.