Metadata from Accession 2143

Principal Investigator: S.Imawaki, S.Umatani
PI's affiliation:       Kyushu University
Mooring Name:           cm07-1                  
Mooring position:       31.247 deg N,  133.852 deg E
Instrument depth:       1361 meters
Seafloor depth:         4494 meters
Times:                  starts 26 Oct 1993, ends 14 Sep 1994
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM            

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.00     7.80    39.40     5.27    323.6
dir (deg true)      0.00   160.19   359.90   118.14    323.6
u (cm/sec)        -27.77     0.30    23.20     6.29    323.6
v (cm/sec)        -27.20     2.94    32.22     6.34    323.6
temp (deg C)        2.34     2.89     3.27     0.20    323.6

Below-threshold speeds, and the associated directions, have been
set to zero in this record. 

The temperature series begins approximately 42 days later than
speed and direction. The first temperature is at line 1010
(1000 7 Dec 1993). 

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