Experiment name: EPOCS Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: WHOI Mooring name: ER3 Mooring position: 0.020 deg N, 110.355 deg W Instrument depth: 309 meters Seafloor depth: 3685 meters Times: 0000 30 Oct 1981 to 2000 16 Apr 1982 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: unavailable parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.06 11.13 41.35 8.87 168.88 dir (deg true) 0.00 225.43 359.96 91.49 168.88 u (cm/sec) -30.60 -4.36 27.99 9.37 168.88 v (cm/sec) -41.21 -0.72 30.76 9.76 168.88 temp (deg C) 8.85 10.90 12.24 0.46 168.88 This record has many episodes, some of them several days long, in which speed is pegged at about 2 cm/sec. This suggests that 2 cm/sec might be the instrument's stall speed. But there are also some other speeds in the range [0, 2 cm/sec] - which leads us to wonder whether the data originator may have interpolated in u and v, thus creating speeds below the stall speed.
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