Experiment name: EPOCS Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: WHOI Mooring name: EP3 Mooring position: 0.017 deg S, 110.207 deg W Instrument depth: 1027 meters Seafloor depth: 3684 meters Times: 0400 30 Mar 1980 to 1200 02 Feb 1981 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: unavailable parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.74 8.32 29.92 5.03 309.38 dir (deg true) 0.00 189.43 359.62 101.99 309.38 u (cm/sec) -24.71 -0.71 21.49 6.92 309.38 v (cm/sec) -21.28 0.19 24.29 6.79 309.38 temp (deg C) 4.04 4.33 4.71 0.10 309.38 There is a long episode of speeds at or below the instrument's threshold during 10 Jul 80 through 09 Aug 80. The suddenness of the onset of low speeds and their duration make one wonder whether it may be an instrument error.
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