Experiment name: EQCM Principal Investigator: V.S.N.Murty Affiliation: Natl Inst Oc (India) Mooring name: EQCM3A Mooring position: 0.003 deg N, 77.019 deg E Instrument depth: 829.0 meters Seafloor depth: 4757 meters Times: 1446 27 Sep 2006 to 0746 07 Dec 2007 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: RCM8 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.09 12.84 36.85 6.56 435.75 dir (deg true) 0.98 212.78 359.05 88.44 435.75 u (cm/sec) -36.12 -5.16 25.55 11.63 435.75 v (cm/sec) -18.02 -0.34 23.22 6.78 435.75 temp (deg C) 7.30 7.95 8.60 0.20 435.75 depth (m) 809.77 815.05 863.92 4.65 435.75 salinity (PSU) 34.95 35.12 35.21 0.03 435.75 This record has a large number of speeds at or below threshold during 2 weeks in February 2007 and again during late November and early December 2007.
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