Metadata from Accession 8621

Experiment name:        EQCM
Principal Investigator: A.Suryanarayana
Affiliation:            Natl Inst Oc (India)
Mooring name:           EQCM3A
Mooring position:        0.003 deg N,  77.015 deg E
Instrument depth:       365.0 meters
Seafloor depth:         4765 meters
Times:                  1900 18 Oct 2004 to 0100 29 Dec 2005
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        RCM7

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.39    16.01    33.07    7.35     15.63
dir (deg true)       4.53   267.03   359.03   56.91     15.63
u (cm/sec)         -28.13   -12.37     3.92    7.43     15.63
v (cm/sec)         -20.03    -2.20    15.87    9.87     15.63
temp (deg C)         9.60    10.82    11.79    0.31    436.29
depth (m)          377.54   402.94   547.74   22.26    436.29
salinity (PSU)      35.13    35.43    35.69    0.10    436.29

Speed and direction end early at line 375 (0900 03 Nov 2004).

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