Metadata from Accession 5481

Experiment name:        EQCM
Principal Investigator: V.S.N.Murty
Affiliation:            Natl Inst Oc (India)
Mooring name:           EQCM1
Mooring position:        0.072 deg N,  92.908 deg E
Instrument depth:       76.0 meters
Seafloor depth:         4499 meters
Times:                  1200 25 Sep 2003 to 1000 18 Jun 2004
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        RCM11

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.29    23.86    68.05   12.28    266.96
dir (deg true)       0.00   164.38   359.70  104.95    266.96
u (cm/sec)         -57.24     3.51    67.63   19.76    266.96
v (cm/sec)         -58.32     1.65    59.26   17.73    266.96
temp (deg C)        12.96    26.80    30.08    3.60    223.71
depth (m)           46.01    75.91   271.35   29.34    266.96

The temperature series ends early at line 5369 (0400 06 May 2004).
In addition, temperature was offscale much of the time. The sensor
was unable to record temperatures greater than about 29 degrees.

The conductivity sensor malfunctioned; salinity is not available.

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