Metadata from Accession 5476

Experiment name:        EQCM
Principal Investigator: V.S.N.Murty
Affiliation:            Natl Inst Oc (India)
Mooring name:           EQCM1
Mooring position:        0.061 deg N,  93.022 deg E
Instrument depth:       267.0 meters
Seafloor depth:         4501 meters
Times:                  0800 01 Apr 2002 to 1700 10 Jun 2003
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        RCM7

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.97    13.55    26.68    4.93     39.08
dir (deg true)       0.99   253.71   358.69   84.40     39.08
u (cm/sec)         -23.84    -8.89    11.63    6.05     39.08
v (cm/sec)         -23.21     1.88    26.52    9.42     39.08
temp (deg C)        10.47    11.45    12.90    0.40    435.42
depth (m)          310.44   344.07   437.90   28.35    435.42
salinity (PSU)      34.28    35.54    35.80    0.09    435.42

Speed and direction end at line 938 (0900 10 May 2002).

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