Experiment name: EQCM Principal Investigator: VSN Murty Affiliation: Natl Inst Oc (India) Mooring name: EQCM1 Mooring position: 0.004 deg N, 93.016 deg E Instrument depth: 106 meters Seafloor depth: 4505 meters Times: 1500 23 Dec 2000 to 0800 11 Aug 2001 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: RCM7 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.39 20.98 75.20 11.68 143.88 dir (deg true) 0.99 163.29 358.94 91.63 143.88 u (cm/sec) -57.58 3.87 74.31 18.61 143.88 v (cm/sec) -44.44 -2.29 54.97 14.49 143.88 temp (deg C) 13.61 21.71 29.51 5.28 230.75 depth (m) 118.31 141.51 215.69 20.59 230.75 salinity (PSU) 33.88 35.04 35.71 0.35 230.75 Speed and direction end early at line 3455 (1100 16 May 2001) and contain two gaps: lines 2940 (0000 25 Apr 2001) through 2945 (0500 25 Apr 2001) lines 2959 (1900 25 Apr 2001) through 3005 (1700 27 Apr 2001) Temperature goes offscale at about 29 degrees for much of the record.
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