Experiment name: PIRATA Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: PMEL/INPE/IRD Mooring name: 0N23W Mooring position: 0.000 deg N, 23.000 deg W Instrument depth: 10 meters Seafloor depth: 3930 meters Times: 1500 29 May 2005 to 0500 27 Aug 2006 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: VACM or VMCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.22 32.28 117.65 20.90 454.63 dir (deg true) 0.03 236.46 359.97 90.47 454.63 u (cm/sec) -117.65 -19.15 48.31 23.91 454.63 v (cm/sec) -80.87 1.20 83.19 23.21 454.63 Speed and direction contain a 5+ day gap in lines 9009 - 9132 (2300 08 Jun 06 - 0200 14 Jun 06).
Move up one level.