Experiment name: OSNAP 53N Principal Investigator: J.Karstensen Affiliation: GEOMAR Mooring name: KPO 1111 Mooring position: 52.866 deg N, 51.479 deg W Instrument depth: 1176 meters Seafloor depth: 1630 meters Times: 0358 10 Aug 2014 to 2158 17 May 2016 Time increment: 120 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.10 10.32 50.20 8.25 646.83 dir (deg true) 0.35 152.62 359.30 37.19 646.83 u (cm/sec) -12.34 5.19 38.23 5.48 646.83 v (cm/sec) -38.26 -8.02 20.02 7.30 646.83 pressure (db) 1187.79 1190.52 1264.67 3.68 646.83 This record contains two long gaps in speed and direction: lines 3428 - 4228 (1758 22 May 2015 - 0958 28 Jul 2015) lines 6315 - 7762 (0758 18 Jun 2016 - end of the file)
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