Metadata from Accession 7013

Experiment name:        OMEX
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            Plymouth Marine Lab
Mooring name:           GS150
Mooring position:       49.151 deg N,  10.514 deg W
Instrument depth:       30   meters
Seafloor depth:         142  meters
Times:                  1430 14 Jun 1995 to 0530 20 Oct 1995
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        paddlewheel cm

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.39    24.01    65.91   11.59    127.67
dir (deg true)       0.10   148.92   359.70  104.64    127.67
u (cm/sec)         -43.11     5.70    62.61   17.17    127.67
v (cm/sec)         -58.09     1.53    52.81   19.53    127.67
temp (deg C)        11.87    14.96    17.32    1.18    127.67
pressure (db)       35.60    48.10    71.85   10.84    127.67

According to the pressure record, the mooring may have
slipped about 14 m deeper on 20/21 Aug 1995.

Move up one level.