Experiment name: OMEX Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: IFREMER Mooring name: OMEXI-2 Mooring position: 47.467 deg N, 8.520 deg W Instrument depth: 2099 meters Seafloor depth: 2100 meters Times: 1800 23 Apr 1994 to 0500 09 Jun 1995 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: paddlewheel cm parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 2.87 4.65 14.54 1.89 411.50 dir (deg true) 0.80 163.11 359.80 102.22 411.50 u (cm/sec) -13.05 0.19 13.31 3.47 411.50 v (cm/sec) -13.18 0.18 12.97 3.62 411.50 temp (deg C) 3.08 3.34 3.57 0.12 411.50 pressure (db) 2272.52 2279.01 2285.71 2.07 411.50 Approximately 20.5% of the speeds were at or below the current meter's threshold, which apparently had the rather high value of 2.87 cm/sec.
Move up one level.