Metadata from Accession 6999

Experiment name:        OMEX
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            Plymouth Marine Lab
Mooring name:           GS154
Mooring position:       49.108 deg N,  12.181 deg W
Instrument depth:       196  meters
Seafloor depth:         996  meters
Times:                  2000 22 Jan 1994 to 0800 08 Jun 1995
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        paddlewheel cm

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     9.61    38.76    6.18    501.54
dir (deg true)       0.00   186.93   360.00  113.91    501.54
u (cm/sec)         -26.84    -0.82    32.80    7.33    501.54
v (cm/sec)         -38.31     1.11    29.73    8.66    501.54
temp (deg C)        10.41    11.17    12.37    0.27    501.54
pressure (db)      183.84   186.06   189.50    0.90    501.54

Speed is equal to exactly 1 cm/sec (with a few brief
exceptions) in lines 10020 though 10381 (0700 16 Mar 1995
through 0800 31 Mar 1995). Directions are present and
realistic during this episode. We do not know what type
of current meter was used, but think this may indicate a
temporary failure of the speed sensor.

Move up one level.