Metadata from Accession 5874

Experiment name:        NC Field
Principal Investigator: J.O.Blanton
Affiliation:            US Minerals Mngmnt Svc
Mooring name:           C1
Mooring position:       35.063 deg N,  75.905 deg W
Instrument depth:       5    meters
Seafloor depth:         20   meters
Times:                  1500 19 Feb 1992 to 0000 25 Jul 1992
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        InterOcean S4

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00    14.15    61.75    9.06    156.42
dir (deg true)       0.00   147.03   359.87  121.05    156.42
u (cm/sec)         -60.60     1.04    48.30   13.89    156.42
v (cm/sec)         -30.10     5.10    27.34    7.90    156.42
temp (deg C)         8.10    18.48    25.68    4.27    156.42
salinity (PSU)      29.06    33.31    36.36    1.33    156.42

u and v contain some linear interpolations (provided by SAIC)
on 12/13/14 March 1992.

Move up one level.