Metadata from Accession 5872

Experiment name:        NC Field
Principal Investigator: J.O.Blanton
Affiliation:            US Minerals Mngmnt Svc
Mooring name:           B4
Mooring position:       35.358 deg N,  74.717 deg W
Instrument depth:       1900 meters
Seafloor depth:         2000 meters
Times:                  0030 22 Feb 1992 to 2330 26 Jul 1993
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.07     8.27    42.37    6.44    520.98
dir (deg true)       0.00   190.48   359.90   84.79    520.98
u (cm/sec)         -27.32    -2.03    25.18    4.95    520.98
v (cm/sec)         -39.13    -4.62    19.71    7.74    520.98
temp (deg C)         3.24     3.51     3.75    0.08    520.98
pressure (db)     1909.50  1922.67  1945.70    9.89    520.98

Temperature contains a gap in lines 8928 (0000 26 Aug 92)
through 9123 (0130 30 Aug 92).

Both temperature and pressure contain a gap in lines 16830
(1500 06 Feb 93) through 17022 (1500 10 Feb 93).

Move up one level.