Metadata from Accession 5842

Experiment name:        NC Field
Principal Investigator: J.O.Blanton
Affiliation:            US Minerals Mngmnt Svc
Mooring name:           A5
Mooring position:       36.305 deg N,  73.728 deg W
Instrument depth:       300  meters
Seafloor depth:         3006 meters
Times:                  0430 26 Feb 1992 to 1600 29 Sep 1993
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        General Oceanics

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.20    44.16    95.60   17.76    352.35
dir (deg true)       0.18    60.18   359.21   55.31    581.50
u (cm/sec)         -23.03    31.06    83.77   15.63    352.35
v (cm/sec)         -40.48    26.98    81.67   18.14    352.35
temp (deg C)         5.40     9.60    14.92    1.25    581.50
pressure (db)      248.20   314.39   635.70   70.24    581.50

u and v end early, on 12 February 1993. Direction also
ceases at that point but resumes later on 5 may 1993 and
continues to the end of the record. Temperature and
pressure are present throughout.

Move up one level.