Metadata from Accession 8816

Experiment name:        MOVE
Principal Investigator: U.Send
Affiliation:            UCSD
Mooring name:           MOVE 4
Mooring position:       16.333 deg N,  60.607 deg W
Instrument depth:       1397 meters
Seafloor depth:         3000 meters
Times:                  2120 24 Jun 2009 to 1500 30 Apr 2011
Time increment:         20 minutes
Instrument type:        Nortek Aquadopp

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00    16.40    62.80   11.73    674.75
dir (deg true)       0.02   172.20   359.98   74.24    674.75
u (cm/sec)         -23.96     3.29    38.19    6.88    674.75
v (cm/sec)         -62.80   -11.49    26.18   14.71    674.75
pressure (db)     1408.38  1479.35  2271.85  145.29    674.75

Pressure shows an anomalous and precipitous drop (nearly 400 db)
on 30 May 2010. The pressure record from the other instrument on
this mooring also shows a sharp drop at the same time. There is
no corresponding signal in the speed record.

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