Metadata from Accession 8756

Experiment name:        MOVE
Principal Investigator: U.Send
Affiliation:            UCSD
Mooring name:           MOVE 3
Mooring position:       16.346 deg N,  60.494 deg W
Instrument depth:       3877 meters
Seafloor depth:         5000 meters
Times:                  0400 27 Jun 2003 to 1000 18 Feb 2004
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM 8

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     6.26    21.44    5.20    236.33
dir (deg true)       0.15   135.51   359.80   61.39    236.33
u (cm/sec)         -10.31     2.64    13.29    2.96    236.33
v (cm/sec)         -19.71    -4.29    15.04    5.67    236.33
temp (deg C)         2.23     2.29     2.37    0.02    236.33
pressure (db)     3958.84  3987.37  4077.49   22.63    236.33

Speed, direction and temperature contain a gap in lines 1344 - 1379
(0200 17 Oct 2003 - 0000 20 Oct 2003).

About 15% of the speeds were below the instrument's threshold
and have been set to zero.

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