Experiment name: MASAR Principal Investigator: unknown Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: E Mooring position: 38.170 deg N, 72.262 deg W Instrument depth: 2500 meters Seafloor depth: 3000 meters Times: 0230 28 Feb 1984 to 1000 01 Sep 1984 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.49 6.15 25.86 3.48 186.33 dir (deg true) 0.08 224.93 359.46 83.60 186.33 u (cm/sec) -22.94 -3.48 8.56 4.68 186.33 v (cm/sec) -21.18 -0.99 11.01 3.99 186.33 Direction ends early at line 7859 (1930 09 Aug 84). Speed is present and good throoughout.
Move up one level.