Experiment name: MASAR Principal Investigator: unknown Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: B Mooring position: 38.678 deg N, 72.989 deg W Instrument depth: 900 meters Seafloor depth: 1000 meters Times: 2300 08 Sep 1984 to 1500 05 Mar 1986 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.49 9.27 37.53 5.57 542.69 dir (deg true) 0.00 198.92 359.76 73.06 542.69 u (cm/sec) -31.86 -4.66 22.24 5.97 542.69 v (cm/sec) -26.25 -4.89 19.08 5.98 542.69 temp (deg C) 3.93 4.40 4.81 0.13 542.69 Speed contains two gaps: lines 10756 through 12152 lines 14534 through 14778 Direction and temperature are present and good throughout.
Move up one level.