Experiment name: MASAR Principal Investigator: unknown Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: B Mooring position: 38.677 deg N, 72.990 deg W Instrument depth: 270 meters Seafloor depth: 970 meters Times: 0700 02 Apr 1985 to 1500 05 Mar 1986 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.62 23.95 83.82 14.98 329.73 dir (deg true) 0.16 211.04 359.78 54.11 329.73 u (cm/sec) -61.32 -12.47 72.79 13.76 329.73 v (cm/sec) -64.95 -14.38 62.62 15.70 329.73 Speed and direction contain a gap in lines 12021 through 12480 (1700 08 Dec 85 through 0630 18 Dec 85).
Move up one level.