Metadata from Accession 6316

Experiment name:        GMPO
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            SAIC
Mooring name:           C
Mooring position:       25.882 deg N,  84.320 deg W
Instrument depth:       179  meters
Seafloor depth:         180  meters
Times:                  0600 28 Jan 1983 to 2000 29 Jul 1985
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        General Oceanics

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.07     7.97    37.89    4.29    913.63
dir (deg true)       0.00   176.26   359.99  118.59    913.63
u (cm/sec)         -32.82    -0.29    26.62    5.90    913.63
v (cm/sec)         -27.27     2.10    33.86    6.53    913.63
temp (deg C)        11.27    15.52    20.47    1.39    828.33

U and v contain a long gap in lines 9200 through 10912
(1300 15 Feb 1984 through 2100 26 Apr 1984).

Temperature ends early at line 19880 (1300 5 May 1985).

Move up one level.