Metadata from Accession 6284

Experiment name:        GMPO
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            SAIC
Mooring name:           FF
Mooring position:       26.740 deg N,  91.995 deg W
Instrument depth:       1650 meters
Seafloor depth:         1750 meters
Times:                  0130 06 Apr 1987 to 1730 20 Sep 1988
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.97     3.51    12.51    1.89    533.69
dir (deg true)       1.69   182.99   358.64  100.25    533.69
u (cm/sec)          -9.79    -0.01    12.50    3.07    533.69
v (cm/sec)          -7.91    -0.15     8.21    2.53    533.69
temp (deg C)         4.13     4.17     4.27    0.01    533.69

The initial 217 days of speed and direction were not credible
and have been removed. The first good speed is at line 10414
(0000 09 Nov 1987). Of the remaining speeds, about 27% were at
or below the instrument's threshold and have been recorded as 1.5
cm/sec (the threshold value). We believe this file was pieced
together from two distinct records made at the same depth, the
first of which ran from 6 Apr 1987 to 8 Nov 1987, and the second
from 9 Nov 1987 to 20 Sep 1988. The second current meter was an
Aanderaa RCM which provided good data and the first was some
other type of instrument whose temperatures were reasonable
(and have been retained) but whose speed and direction were
extremely noisy and of little value.

Move up one level.