Metadata from Accession 6274

Experiment name:        GMPO
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            SAIC
Mooring name:           DD
Mooring position:       27.883 deg N,  91.995 deg W
Instrument depth:       150  meters
Seafloor depth:         180  meters
Times:                  2300 07 Apr 1987 to 1930 29 Oct 1988
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        General Oceanics

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     7.87    43.90    7.38    570.88
dir (deg true)       0.00   174.84   359.74  101.74    570.88
u (cm/sec)         -37.85    -1.89    43.90    9.43    570.88
v (cm/sec)         -18.60    -0.63    31.20    4.85    570.88
temp (deg C)        13.90    16.20    18.94    0.82    570.88

The speed series looks decidedly unrealistic from 21 Jun 1988
through 6 July 1988, and possibly beyond. Coupled with SAIC's
remarks in its Year 5 Final Report about the unreliability of
its General Oceanics current meters, we urge you to use these
data with caution.

Move up one level.