Experiment name: GMPO Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: CC Mooring position: 28.310 deg N, 92.097 deg W Instrument depth: 28 meters Seafloor depth: 64 meters Times: 2200 04 Apr 1987 to 0800 31 Oct 1988 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: General Oceanics parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 12.71 73.90 10.99 575.44 dir (deg true) 0.00 171.72 359.88 103.03 575.44 u (cm/sec) -61.98 1.52 62.03 12.48 575.44 v (cm/sec) -67.68 -0.61 66.72 11.13 575.44 temp (deg C) 18.18 23.57 30.15 3.40 575.44 Speed and direction are exceptionally noisy. The presence of occasional smooth episodes indicates that the roughness may have been caused by a malfunction of the General Oceanics current meter. SAIC notes in its Year 5 Final Report that these instruments were problematical.
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