Experiment name: GMPO Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: BB Mooring position: 28.675 deg N, 92.098 deg W Instrument depth: 18 meters Seafloor depth: 39 meters Times: 1800 04 Apr 1987 to 1230 19 Jul 1988 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: General Oceanics parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 17.13 85.06 13.03 471.79 dir (deg true) 0.00 190.58 359.91 105.71 471.79 u (cm/sec) -81.75 -2.20 60.85 15.97 471.79 v (cm/sec) -72.03 0.88 63.00 14.23 471.79 temp (deg C) 15.83 23.25 30.73 4.23 471.79 Speed and direction are exceptionally noisy.
Move up one level.