Experiment name: GMPO Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: T Mooring position: 24.553 deg N, 96.118 deg W Instrument depth: 300 meters Seafloor depth: 2200 meters Times: 0000 13 Jun 1985 to 1730 02 May 1986 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 2.06 29.06 70.20 11.15 323.75 dir (deg true) 0.30 154.20 359.98 132.12 323.75 u (cm/sec) -39.64 7.45 67.45 21.07 323.75 v (cm/sec) -19.89 16.79 61.06 13.69 323.75 temp (deg C) 12.23 15.74 19.15 1.58 323.75 Speed contains a gap in lines 5789 through 6106 (1400 11 Oct 1985 through 0430 18 Oct 1985). Direction is good and present throughout.
Move up one level.