Metadata from Accession 6784

Experiment name:        DeSoto Eddy Intrusion
Principal Investigator: T.Berger
Affiliation:            SAIC
Mooring name:           D2
Mooring position:       29.335 deg N,  86.852 deg W
Instrument depth:       300  meters
Seafloor depth:         500  meters
Times:                  0600 25 Mar 1997 to 1500 03 Apr 1999
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        General Oceanics MKII

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.04     8.56    52.07    5.82    739.42
dir (deg true)       0.07   199.64   359.97  109.08    739.42
u (cm/sec)         -42.50    -0.62    27.39    7.22    739.42
v (cm/sec)         -21.81     0.99    32.25    7.32    739.42
salinity (PSU)      34.99    35.41    35.74    0.12    502.92

u and v consist of two segments, the first about 4 months
long and the second about 17 months long, separated by a gap
of about 4 months. The gap begins at line 2711 (0400 16 Jul 97)
and ends at line 5718 (1100 18 Nov 97). Salinity ends early at
line 12070 (0300 10 Aug 98) and temperature is not present at

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