Metadata from Accession 6677

Experiment name:        DeSoto Eddy Intrusion
Principal Investigator: T.Berger
Affiliation:            SAIC
Mooring name:           B3
Mooring position:       29.071 deg N,  87.857 deg W
Instrument depth:       1290 meters
Seafloor depth:         1300 meters
Times:                  1200 22 Mar 1997 to 1200 01 Apr 1999
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.02     5.01    26.83    3.50    621.79
dir (deg true)       0.05   186.44   359.66   95.23    621.79
u (cm/sec)         -26.15    -0.91    18.76    4.80    621.79
v (cm/sec)         -16.01    -0.59    13.27    3.62    621.79
temp (deg C)         4.05     4.25     4.55    0.08    740.04
salinity (PSU)      34.85    34.98    35.23    0.08    740.04

u and v contain a gap in lines 2659 through 3687
(0600 11 Jul 1997 through 0200 23 Aug 1997) and end
early at line 14923 (0600 04 Dec 1998).

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