Experiment name: DeSoto Eddy Intrusion Principal Investigator: T.Berger Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: B1 Mooring position: 29.343 deg N, 87.909 deg W Instrument depth: 95 meters Seafloor depth: 100 meters Times: 0400 23 Aug 1997 to 0700 22 Jun 1998 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.03 8.11 53.77 5.40 303.17 dir (deg true) 0.05 207.67 359.93 94.32 303.17 u (cm/sec) -39.04 -2.26 27.97 8.14 303.17 v (cm/sec) -39.26 -0.31 23.90 4.84 303.17 temp (deg C) 12.30 18.32 20.89 1.31 451.17 u and v begin late at line 3553 (0400 23 Aug 1997).
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