Experiment name: DeSoto Eddy Intrusion Principal Investigator: T.Berger Affiliation: SAIC Mooring name: A2 Mooring position: 29.059 deg N, 88.390 deg W Instrument depth: 200 meters Seafloor depth: 500 meters Times: 1300 21 Mar 1997 to 0500 31 Mar 1999 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.09 12.92 86.68 9.09 739.71 dir (deg true) 0.09 172.64 359.92 100.65 739.71 u (cm/sec) -86.64 -1.37 45.78 13.64 739.71 v (cm/sec) -52.33 0.01 34.73 7.87 739.71 temp (deg C) 11.12 14.80 17.35 0.80 739.71 salinity (PSU) 35.31 35.91 36.26 0.14 739.71 All series have a gap about 80 days long in mid January 1998. The gap in u & v starts at line 7142 (0200 13 Jan 1998); that in temperature and salinity begins 11 hours later at line 7153 (1300 13 Jan 1998) The gap lies between successive deployments of the mooring.
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