Experiment name: BENGAL Principal Investigator: A.L.Rice Affiliation: Southampton Oc Ctr Mooring name: 13368-55 Mooring position: 48.997 deg N, 16.229 deg W Instrument depth: 3000 meters Seafloor depth: 4723 meters Times: 2100 20 Mar 1998 to 1600 02 Sep 1998 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.10 3.81 14.76 2.65 165.81 dir (deg true) 0.99 156.83 359.06 131.94 165.81 u (cm/sec) -11.08 -0.17 8.38 2.36 165.81 v (cm/sec) -10.66 1.09 14.70 3.84 165.81 The stall speed of this instrument is 1.1 cm/sec. 2321 (29.16%) of the speeds in this record have this value. Directions are set to various values during these instances, most often 0.99 deg.
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