Experiment name: unavailable Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: WHOI Mooring name: WHOI 633 Mooring position: 32.563 deg N, 64.745 deg W Instrument depth: 1592 meters Seafloor depth: 1611 meters Times: 0307 17 Nov 1977 to 1407 02 Dec 1978 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: VACM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.05 4.13 15.13 2.06 380.50 dir (deg true) 0.02 170.74 359.99 100.99 380.50 u (cm/sec) -14.81 0.32 14.56 3.81 380.50 v (cm/sec) -10.09 0.15 10.92 2.57 380.50 temp (deg C) 3.78 4.13 4.57 0.10 380.50 These data originally were recorded with a time increment of 15 minutes. All of the time series in this record have been filtered and decimated to one point per hour. The filter is a low-pass cosine-lanczos filter with half-amplitude at 10 cycles per day. The filter removes completely all frequencies higher than 12 cycles per day; frequencies lower than 8.7 cycles per day are passed unattenuated.
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