Metadata from Accession 818

Experiment name:        not available
Principal Investigator: not available
PI's affiliation:       MAFF Lowestoft
Mooring Name:           not available
Mooring position:       48.123 deg N,    9.283 deg W
Instrument depth:       1415 meters
Seafloor depth:         1465 meters
Times:                  starts 25 Jun 1980, ends 07 Jun 1981
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        not available

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.50    14.11    54.50     8.03    346.9
dir (deg true)      0.28   180.43   359.83    68.63    346.9
u (cm/sec)        -53.76    -0.32    20.51    11.73    346.9
v (cm/sec)        -39.04    -6.25    32.10     9.31    346.9
temp (deg C)        4.42     5.80     7.20     0.50    346.9

Speeds in this record diminish gradually after February 1981
and are quite low by the end of the record. Is this real, or
was the rotor becoming fouled? Use these data with caution.
In general, the speeds are quite noisy. 

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