Experiment name: not available Principal Investigator: not available PI's affiliation: MAFF Lowestoft Mooring Name: not available Mooring position: 52.457 deg N, 17.718 deg W Instrument depth: 3103 meters Seafloor depth: 4125 meters Times: starts 08 Jul 1986, ends 23 Jun 1987 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: not available parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.50 6.59 25.30 3.90 349.3 dir (deg true) 0.00 199.47 359.88 108.83 349.3 u (cm/sec) -15.89 -1.45 13.75 4.94 349.3 v (cm/sec) -17.47 0.92 17.71 5.69 349.3 temp (deg C) 2.58 2.74 2.87 0.05 43.7 pressure (db) 3023.60 3040.60 3108.10 15.63 43.7 Temperature and pressure end early in this file, on 21 Aug 86. Speed is present explicitly and is available for the entire record. u and v (and by implication direction) contain a gap of nearly 149 days from 5 Sep 86 through 1 Feb 87.
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