Experiment name: not available Principal Investigator: not available PI's affiliation: Scottish Mar Bio Assn Mooring Name: not available Mooring position: 57.508 deg N, 12.253 deg W Instrument depth: 995 meters Seafloor depth: 1810 meters Times: starts 11 Apr 1981, ends 14 Oct 1981 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 12.73 52.60 7.42 185.7 dir (deg true) 0.00 192.03 359.07 107.37 185.7 u (cm/sec) -36.19 -1.49 52.59 10.80 185.7 v (cm/sec) -34.01 1.13 31.34 9.84 185.7 temp (deg C) 5.43 6.64 8.15 0.63 185.7 This record was made with an Aanderaa current meter. The nominal speed threshhold of this meter is 1.5 cm/sec, and a common practice is to set below-threshhold speeds either to the threshhold value or to half the threshhold. In this case, however, below-threshhold speeds were set to zero by the originating PI, as were concurrent directions. In processing historical data we normally reset below- threshhold Aanderaa speeds to half the threshhold, but have not done so in this case because the direction information has been lost.
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