Metadata from Accession 542

Experiment name:        not available
Principal Investigator: not available
PI's affiliation:       MAFF Lowestoft
Mooring Name:           not available
Mooring position:       52.453 deg N,   17.702 deg W
Instrument depth:       2886 meters
Seafloor depth:         4118 meters
Times:                  starts 05 Jul 1983, ends 01 Jul 1984
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        not available

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.50     5.83    22.97     3.13    361.7
dir (deg true)      0.00   194.50   359.50    96.30    361.7
U (cm/sec)        -19.80    -0.99    13.50   292.07    361.7
V (cm/sec)        -16.00    -0.46    18.60   292.22    361.7
temp (deg C)        2.94     3.19     3.43     0.10    361.7

Speeds in this record were at threshhold from 2 Dec 1983 through
1 Jan 1984. This probably was caused by a failure of the current
meter's rotorcounter, and we have excised this portion of the record.
That is, speed, u, and v are not available from 0011 2 Dec 1983
through 2111 1 Jan 1984 (lines 3582 through 4323).

Direction and temperature are available for the entire record.
Directions are anomalously steady during 16 and 17 Dec 1983; this
portion of the direction series appears to have been interpolated.

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