Experiment name: not available Principal Investigator: not available PI's affiliation: MAFF Lowestoft Mooring Name: not available Mooring position: 41.643 deg N, 21.145 deg W Instrument depth: 3518 meters Seafloor depth: 3568 meters Times: starts 12 Oct 1980, ends 17 Oct 1981 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: not available parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.50 4.70 15.48 2.45 370.0 dir (deg true) 0.00 132.88 359.29 88.18 370.0 u (cm/sec) -11.10 2.58 14.90 3.64 370.0 v (cm/sec) -9.50 0.05 10.60 2.86 370.0 temp (deg C) 2.99 3.14 3.28 0.05 370.0 This record contains two episodes, each several days long, during which speed was at threshhold. This may really have been the case, but it is also possible that the current meter's rotorcounter failed during these portions of the record. The first is in mid-October of 1980, and the second is in mid-November. Use these data with caution.
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