Experiment name: ACM8 (German component) Principal Investigator: J.Meincke, E.Mittelstaedt PI's affiliation: B.S.H.Hamburg Mooring Name: A4 Mooring position: 59.152 deg N, 34.000 deg W Instrument depth: 882 meters Seafloor depth: 2850 meters Times: starts 31 May 1994, ends 10 Jun 1995 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: RCM7 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 0.01 6.37 29.87 5.98 374.9 dir (deg true) 0.15 166.06 359.72 120.82 374.9 u (cm/sec) -29.84 -0.63 26.33 6.56 374.9 v (cm/sec) -19.40 1.10 21.60 5.63 374.9 temp (deg C) 3.01 3.41 4.02 0.17 374.9 There are some unusual and abrupt direction shifts in this record, from about 330 degrees to about 90 degrees. This behavior occupies only a small fraction of the total length of the file, but does occur on several occasions throughout the record. The direction series from some other instruments on the mooring behave similarly at approximately the same times, which suggests that the sudden veering is genuine. Approximately 23% of the speeds in this record were below the current meter's threshold and have been set to 0.01 cm/sec. (The speeds were set to a nonzero value so that direction information would be preserved in u and v. For the most part, current records in this component of ACM-8 contain u and v but not speed or direction. Hence, in order to preserve direction without expicitly including a time series of directions, BSH has elected to represent below- threshold speeds as 0.01 cm/sec, encoded in u and v. This is true for all the current records in the German portion of ACM-8.)
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