Metadata from Accession 1468

Experiment name:        ACM8 (German component)
Principal Investigator: J.Meincke, E.Mittelstaedt
PI's affiliation:       B.S.H.Hamburg
Mooring Name:           E4
Mooring position:       54.422 deg N,   25.902 deg W
Instrument depth:       1041 meters
Seafloor depth:         3300 meters
Times:                  starts 27 May 1994, ends 06 Jun 1995
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.01     5.17    19.65     3.02    374.5
dir (deg true)      0.09   145.76   359.54   127.18    374.5
U (cm/sec)        -10.90     1.23    16.53     3.71    374.5
V (cm/sec)         -9.31     2.96    14.92     3.44    374.5
temp (deg C)        3.41     3.63     3.95     0.08    374.5

The speed sensor failed for just over a week beginning 2 Nov 94
(lines 3819 - 4001); this portion of the speed series has been
removed here. Direction is present and good throughout.

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