Experiment name: ACM8 (German component) Principal Investigator: J.Meincke, E.Mittelstaedt PI's affiliation: B.S.H.Hamburg Mooring Name: F2 Mooring position: 52.378 deg N, 16.362 deg W Instrument depth: 2981 meters Seafloor depth: 3481 meters Times: starts 30 Aug 1992, ends 04 Sep 1993 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: RCM8 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 0.01 4.98 24.35 3.90 369.3 dir (deg true) 0.07 166.47 359.73 95.23 369.3 U (cm/sec) -18.66 -0.24 17.76 4.13 369.3 V (cm/sec) -21.59 -0.84 15.83 4.71 369.3 temp (deg C) 2.53 2.83 3.02 0.07 369.3 Approximately 11% of the speeds in this record were below the current meter's threshold and have been set to 0.01 cm/sec. (The speeds were set to a nonzero value so that direction information would be preserved in u and v. For the most part, current records in this component of ACM-8 contain u and v but not speed or direction. Hence, in order to preserve direction without expicitly including a time series of directions, BSH has elected to represent below- threshold speeds as 0.01 cm/sec, encoded in u and v. This is true for all the current records in the German portion of ACM-8.)
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